2022-23 Holiday Donation Drive Details

A drive benefitting the Kern County Family Justice Center by providing clothing, personal hygiene toiletries, and other necessary comfort items for local victims of human trafficking crimes.
All too often, when men, women, and children are located and removed from their toxic environment to shelter, they only have the clothes on their back while waiting for relocation services. In an effort to make their transition easier, we ask for your help and donations of the items below.


Donations are tax deductible and information is available upon request (email MacKenzie at kenzie@ascendbakersfield.com).


Family Justice Center Wish List:
(Items in bold are most requested)

Please note: clothing donation capacity has been reached and we are SO grateful. Donations of clothing will no longer be accepted at this time.

  • Supermarket gift cards: Value of $10-50; all grocery stores welcome

  • Other gift cards: Values of $10-50 to department stores (Amazon, Target, WalMart, Kohl’s), gas stations, and other stores (BuyBuyBaby, HomeGoods, Walgreens, Rite-Aid, etc.)

  • Ring Doorbells and video doorbell security mounts

  • Paper products: Tissues, napkins, and paper towels

  • Disposable plastic cutlery: knives, forks, and spoons

  • Individually wrapped, single portion size snacks (peanut-free please): juice boxes, cheese-and-crackers, Baby food, Toddler snacks (puffs), snack-size
    chips/pretzels, granola bars/protein bars, Pop-Tarts

  • Easy-to-prepare “short-cut” meals (shelf stable): Easy Mac, Soups with pull tab tops, Spaghetti-O’s, Cup-A-Soup, Ramen noodles, Tuna with cracker pouches, etc.

  • Coffee Supplies: Keurig K-cups (coffee, hot chocolate, tea), Nespresso Pods, individual creamer pods, and sugar/sugar-replacement packets

  • Blankets (can be gently used)

  • Duffel bags and carry-on size suitcases (can be gently used)

  • Towels (Full size, new preferred or like new condition)

  • Make-up/cosmetics: Foundation and concealer preferred (all skin tones), to be given to clients after having injuries documented (must be new and unused, in original packaging)

  • Baby & Toddler Products (all must be new and unused): diapers, formula, baby shampoo/soap, baby hygiene items, NB-5T clothing and pajamas (gender-neutral preferred), swaddlers, bottles, sippy cups, toddler plates and utensils, baby blankets, baby tubs, diaper bags, car seats, pack-and-plays, strollers, Boppy pillows, Baby carrier/Bjorn.

  • Full-Sized Toiletries: hand soap, body wash, shave gel, contact lens cleaner, contact lens cases, razors, deodorant, etc. (must be new and unused, in original packaging)

  • Full-Sized Haircare products: shampoo, conditioner, leave-in conditioner, dry shampoo, hair gel, silk scarves/hair bonnets, silk pillowcases, mousse, hot oil treatment, etc. (must be new and unused, in original packaging)

  • Cleaning products: Lysol Wipes, dish soap, sponges, laundry detergent, multi-purpose cleaners (must be new and unused)

  • Winter coats/jackets (all sizes), for women, men and children. New articles only (can be gently used)

  • Socks and underwear (all sizes), for women, men and children (must be new and unused, in original packaging)

The Family Justice Center is not able to accept donations of the following items:

  • Clothing, with the exception of items listed above

  • Household appliances

  • Furniture

  • Stuffed animals

  • Books and/or magazines

  • Sample/Travel sized toiletries

If you would like to fulfill any of the FJC wishes in bulk or have questions, please contact MacKenzie with Ascend at 661-556-4904

Financial donations are also always welcome, and can help in the following ways:

  • $25 can provide a self-care book for a client to read, reflect, and begin or continue healing.

  • $50 can furnish a gift card for a client to purchase clothing, gasoline, clothing, or other necessary items while establishing a new life.

  • $100 can purchase a video doorbell or other security to help a client feel safer at home.

  • $250 can supply transportation services and parking vouchers for clients to visit the FJC or other resources.

  • $500 can support outreach and marketing to those who need Family Justice Center assistance.

  • $1,000 can provide valuable translation and interpretation services for 10+ clients who are in need of such services.
    *Examples are for illustrative purposes.

If you are having an emergency, and need immediate help, please dial 911.

For help with other questions, please call the FJC SafeLine at (716) 558-SAFE (7233).

Our program’s services are available for all persons regardless of sex, sexual orientation, and/or gender identity or expression.

More About the Family Justice Center

The Kern County Family Justice Center (FJC) is a unique and safe place where victims of domestic violence and their children are our highest priority. Through collaboration and coordinated services, the FJC and its partners are committed to providing the help needed to break the cycle of violence that so often damages and destroys families.

The Kern County Family Justice Center imagines a future in which all needs of victims are met, children are protected, violence fades, batterers are held accountable, and families heal and thrive. Our goal is to work together to support and empower victims so they understand that love shouldn’t hurt and they deserve a life free from abuse.

The Department of Justice has recognized Family Justice Centers as a best practice model for domestic violence intervention. The first Family Justice Center opened in San Diego, California in 2002. Since then, there are now over 130 Family Justice Centers in the United States and approximately 17 in California.

Some of the services that will be provided at the Kern County Family Justice Center include: advocacy, case management, restraining orders, counseling, legal assistance, Cal/Works and Cash Aid, law enforcement and prosecution, immigration assistance, safety planning, and child support services.

Our community partners include: Alliance Against Family Violence & Sexual Assault, Greater Bakersfield Legal Assistance, Bakersfield Police Department, Kern County Sheriff’s Department, Department of Human Services, Behavioral Health and Recovery Services, Child Support Services, Dress for Success, Kern County Probation, and more.

If you would like to learn more about the Family Justice Center Project or how you can help, please feel free to contact us:

Phone: (661) 868-8410
Address: 2101 Oak Street
Bakersfield, CA 93301